Research Papers

The Future of Science is in the Hands of Our Children
From the scientists we currently have “more than 50 percent of the current U.S. science and engineering workforce is approaching retirement” (Jischke 7). So who will be left to conduct the so-much-needed researches? We need scientists; we need to find a way to inspire the young to join the field.

Relationships Between Men and Women: Has Anything Changed Over the Years?
Relationships between men and women can be especially complex depending on the social context the parties participating in the relationship find themselves. Through time women were changing and so was the way the world saw them and the way they related to others.

Colosseum and Space Coast Stadium - Places for Entertainment
Then and now we find two different cultures that enjoy different types of sports as entertainment, but despite some of the obvious differences between the venues, we may surprisingly find that they are similar in many ways.

Fall for the Arts 2010
As a free outdoor event, Fall for the Arts attracts many different people and many different artists from the community. On the first of October I was there with my five-year-old daughter to experience all that and more. 

France - March Toward Revolution
The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries represented a crucial period in the history and future of France. From the extravagant Louis XIV, the Sun King, through the reign of beloved Louis XV, Louis XIV’s great-grandson, to the ruling of indecisive Louis XVI, France and its people experienced glory, wars and crises that lead to the French Revolution in 1789.